The Italian legislation in the field of fire is very large and complex.
Several have been, over the years, laws and decrees issued and among them is crucial inter-ministerial decree of 10 March 1998 entitled: "General requirements for fire safety and emergency management in the workplace." This Decree obliges all companies, both public and private, to identify preventive measures, protective and precautionary fire safety and emergency management in general. It also establishes the need to integrate risk assessment in the workplace drawn up pursuant to Legislative Decree no. 81/2008 with the new provisions.
In a regulatory landscape so vast and complex to be considered is therefore necessary competence and qualification of a professional highly qualified. In accordance with the provisions of the recent Decree of October, 2011, the activities of fire prevention Studio Protecno - thanks to the continuous updating of its technical and professional partnerships with specialized professionals - are addressed primarily in the analysis of the hazards and in the preparation of "emergency plans".
Studio Protecno has qualified technicians enabled the execution of the practices of fire prevention (L. 818/84 and subsequent mm., and ii.), which can draw up and sign a project for all the activities that are included in the list issued by the Fire Prevention DPR 151/2011.
Studio Protecno is able to provide, with professionalism and competence, the following consulting services:
- Evaluation of the project at the Fire Department.
- Feasibility Nulla Osta at the Fire Department .
- Testing and inspections for the purpose of submitting sworn SCIA at the Fire Service ( Fire Prevention Certificate for request for tasks that require it ) .
- Design and Supervision for installation firefighting equipment such as fire extinguishers, fire hydrant network / fire hoses, sprinkler systems (both according to UNI that NFPA), automatic detection and alarm, emergency public address systems, etc..