

The Minister of Infrastructure and Transport has adopted the BIM Decree which establishes the methods and timing for the introduction  of electronic modeling methods and tools for construction and infrastructure.
 The Ministry reports in a note, which states that, in implementation of Article 23, paragraph 13 of the Public Contract, the Minister of Infrastructure and Transport has adopted the Ministerial Decree 560/2017 which defines the modalities and timing of  progressive introduction by the contracting authorities of the granting administrations and economic operators, of the obligatory  nature of the specific electronic methods and instruments, such as modeling for the building industry and infrastructures, in the phases 
of design, construction and management of the works and related checks.
 "The decree - concludes the note - comes into force after fifteen days from the date of publication on this site". 
The communication of the adoption was published on the Ministry's website on 12 January 2018, the entry into force of the decree is therefore scheduled for 29 January 2018.